
Today in human geo class we took a test on the world leaders. The test was not as hard as I thought it was going to be, but there were some questions I did not know the answer to. Overall I think I did well on the test. i am looking forward to the three day weekend so I can actually sleep in for once.
Today in human geo class we finished going over the slides of the world leaders. I learned a lot of new information, and tomorrow we are going to have a test on the countries and their leaders. There is a lot of information I need to remember, and I'm going to have to study a lot so I can get a good grade on the test.
Today in human geo class we took notes on the countries in the world and their leaders. I found out that Enrique Pena Nieto had multiple affairs during his marriage, and he is now married to a soap opera actress since his old wife died. He also has a very low approval rate. Xi Jenping's father was one of the founding fathers of the communist party. His wife is an army general and a folk singer, and his daughter went to Harvard. Angela Merkel has been working in the government since 2005, and has been #1 on FORBES magazine for most powerful woman in the world for 11 of the past 13 years, and she's #3 for the most powerful person in the world. These are just a few of the many world leaders we discussed today, and we still have more to go.
Today in human geo class we continued to discuss independent States. We watched a video where it listed all the countries in the world. After that we started a project where we were given 15 countries and we had to get the leader of that country, an official picture of them, a map of the country, and what kind of government the country has. I finished the project today, and it was not too difficult.
Today in human geo class we took notes on countries, States, and nations. A country is an identifiable land area. A nation is a population (group of people larger than a single tribe or community,which may share a common language, institutions, religions, and/or historical experience) with a common culture, and shared identity. A State is population under a single government; can be synonymous with "country". An independent State has a space or territory which has internationally recognized boundaries.
I was not at human geo class today because I am still sick.
I was not at human geo class today because I am sick.