
Showing posts from August, 2017
                                                  Human Geo Class              In the beginning of class we looked at the blogs. Around 2/3 of the class turned in  their blogs. We were able to get everyone's blogs published. Afterwards we went over the class syllabus. Mr.Schick discussed the grading system in his class. No extra credit will be given, so we have to stay on top of everything. Tests are usually one-hundred points and quizzes and pop quizzes are worth fifty points. He then talked about the technology policy. We are not allowed to play on our computers even after we finish our work. We also have to make sure to charge our computers daily, so our computer doesn't die during class.There will be group projects and we will be allowed to pick our group, but we have to make sure we choose people who will do the work. Once we turned in the work we are asked how much percentage everyone put in to help finish the project. Over all we went over the syllabus to shed some kn
                                                      First Day at John Carroll                                  John Carroll has made an exciting first impression on me. It is my first year with a locker which has been a change, but nonetheless it is nice to not have to carry around all of my books. All of my classes are great, and so are my teachers. Freshmen Orientation really helped me learn where all of my classes are. I came from a small school, so I thought transitioning to John Carroll would be hard and I would surely be lost. Now I know where all of my classes are and I don't worry about getting lost. Being an incoming freshman, I had many fears, but now I hardly have any because I know all of the alumni and students will gladly help if I need it. Overall I have enjoyed my first official school day, and I can't wait for the rest of the year to come.