Human Geography Class

             Today in human geography class we had a long discussion on the recent protests in the NFL. The recent protests are kneeling during the National Anthem in an effort to show resistance towards the president of the United States, Donald Trump. My family and I have decided to boycott the NFL because they let these protests happen in the first place. These football players do not know how many lives have been lost in an effort to maintain our freedom and the protection of our rights. If people do not support the president, they have two choices which are 1. move out of the country if they dislike him so much, or 2. suck it up and deal with it. My parents did not like Obama, but did they go out and protest during the National Anthem or start riots and get in fights with people. No. Why? Because they are respectful and learned to deal with him even though he was not a good president. Todays society is so disrespectful, and people do not realize how much good the president is doing for this amazing country. I am glad that Trump is our president, and I will continue to support him for the rest of his seven years.


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