Human Geography
Today in class we did a mini writing assignment on ancient Greece. We had to provide background information on seven terms. The first term, agora, was a public open space in ancient Greece that was used for assemblies and markets, and it was also the center of spiritual, political, artistic, and athletic groups. Polis is political entities ruled by their bodies of citizens, it is the origin of the word politics, metropolitan, and poll. The Greeks considered the date 508 BC the birthday of the Athenians Democracy and it was the first time ever in human history that people revolted against their ruler.
Socrates was a Greek philosopher who
is considered the father of western philosophy, and he was put on trial for corrupting
the youth of Athens. Young children would meet with him outside of the agora to
learn the Socratic method which was a form of cooperative argumentative
dialogue between individuals, and he later founded the scientific method. He was
found guilty because he admitted he was and was later given the death sentence.
He died in 399 BC by poison hemlock.
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