Human Geo Class

        Today in human geography class we took notes on going from a local to global scale.  After we had a long discussion on whether or not sixteen-year-olds should be able to vote or not. I personally think that sixteen is too young of an age to vote. Many kids are unaware of what is going on today involving President Trump and other issues. It would just be one more thing to worry about, and we have a lot, such as school, sports, friends, family, college, etc.; you would have also to do research on each candidate to see which one is more qualified and fit to run the country. Mr.Schick said that Trump won because he was the more popular president, which is true, but he did not win popular, so in a way he was not the most popular president. His approval rating is 38.8%, which means that 55.8% of the country does not like, therefore he is not the more popular president. While he did win the elections in 2016, which could technically make him the popular president, he still isn't. For example you wouldn't want someone who technically killed two of our own American soldiers in Benghazi, Libya during an attack in 2012. Another example would be breaking federal laws by using a private email server instead of using the official State Department's email server while being secretary of state. This was Hillary Clinton. Not many people knew about the countless scandals she's been apart, yet the majority of the country wanted her to become president. If sixteen-year-olds were to vote in last years election, they would most likely be influenced by their friends and families thoughts. Only a small fraction of the sixteen year olds would do their research and find out how much of a liar Hilary Clinton is, and for the majority of the sixteen year olds that do not do their research because they do not care or are too lazy to, would most likely vote for Hillary Clinton because she was always in the news and they all though she was going to win by a landslide, and that she was the more popular president. It was all propaganda to try and get the people of America to vote for her, and the news would always report about Donald Trump and how he was always doing something bad. As you can see I do not think that sixteen year olds should be allowed to vote because their still young, and they are still under the influence of their parents, so they would not be voting for themselves necessarily.


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