extra credit Keva.org

Kiva.org helps entrepreneurs who want to help developing nations. These organization has a wide variety of causes that help all kinds of people in need. The borrowers can range from wanting to help veterans, to single parents, agriculture, shelter, and even health in developing countries. It has the Charity Navigator’s highest reward, and has about 1.7 million people who have donated money towards a cause on Kiva. Two borrows I’m looking at are a lady named Maria in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, and she wants to start a Morgan Veteran Recruiting Group. Her business will work with veterans and the loan allows her to meet with the veterans. Her idea is to have candidates and help them perfect their resumes and help them get a job. It can be hard for veterans to transition from being on high alert 24/7 to taking their kids to school, going to buy some groceries, etc. it can be hard for a veteran to adapt to this new life, and as a result many soldiers have PTSD from this. Maria’s mission is to help make a perfect resume for each veteran, so they can get a job, and help them get used to a normal life. another borrower I’m looking at is Kalinge who needs $10,000 to help provide dental services to families that can’t afford normal dental services. It has 50% lower fees than standard clinics in Kampala. I think this is a good business to lend money to because so many people are in need of vital dental care, and many developing nations and third world countries have diseases that can be prevented by better dental care. This is a very efficient organization.


  1. This was posted late, but I am going to give you credit for it anyway. Thanks for looking into Kiva!


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